MILO Ensamble, Karłowicz, Szostakowicz, Schubert

NEWS | 01-03-2021
This week there are two concerts that are waiting for us! On March 4th at 7:00 pm, a free online premiere of a concert by MILO Ensamble, founded by Milo Kurtis. On Friday, March 5th at 7:00 pm we are happy to invite you to the golden hall and to the live broadcast on Anastasia Kobekina, The Russian cellist, will be performing with the orchestra. The tickets for this concert cost 45-55 PLN and there are some still available.

MILO Ensamble – online premiere

Milo Kurtis found himself in Poland as a result of political emigration from Greece after 1949. He changed the Polish music scene of many genres
He started with the intuitive and experimental music as well as performances during the Warsaw Autumn Festival. 1972 marked the beginning of cooperation with Wojtek Waglewski and interest in ethnic and folk music. The further story is the Osjan group, the founding of Maanam and the development of Polish reggae with the Izrael band, funk with the Zgoda group and further musical paths with Deuter and Voo Voo

We are happy to invite you to the MILO Ensemble concert, as part of the Rubato series of meetings with traditional music, on Thursday, March 4 at 7:00 pm. The concert as part of the Rubato series will be available free of charge on our Facebook and YouTube channels.

Karłowicz, Szostakowicz, Schubert – concert with the audience and an online broadcast

On March 5th, for the first time, our Philharmonic will host Anastasia Kobekina, a Russian cellist hailed by the European press as the undisputed favorite of the audience.

We will have an opportunity to listen to two pieces written by composers for their friends and performed by the artist and the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. The first piece of these two – Serenade in G major – was dedicated by Mieczysław Karłowicz to Zygmunt Butkiewicz. The second is Dmitri Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1 in E flat major, written for Mścisław Rostropowicz. We will complement the virtuoso cello works with Symphony No. 5 by Franz Schubert.

Feel more than welcome to visit us on March 5th at 7:00 pm for the KARŁOWICZ | SZOSTAKOWICZ | SCHUBERT concert with the audience participation. Tickets at the price of PLN 45-55 can be purchased at the Philharmonic box office and at

The concert will also be broadcast on Access to the platform costs PLN 10/20.

The main partner of the Philharmonic is Dealer BMW Bońkowscy.

November 2024
02NOV '24sa, 12:00
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